
Aspari is a family business. Therefore honesty, mutual respect, collaboration and loyalty are values that form the foundation of the company’s development and relationship with customers.

Our products

Our goal is to offer food packages such as transparent metal tin can lids or polypropylene (plastic) containers for storing food or non-food products made by the latest technology. Our main advantage is that we cooperate with several manufacturers at the same time so that we can provide continuous delivery, and we also diligently check the quality of products manufactured by our represented companies. Our quality of work has been appreciated by many companies in Latvia, Poland, Ukraine, and we are ready to cooperate with any other company in any country. We are constantly searching for new and innovative food packaging ideas and therefore we will introduce and offer you the most innovative product packages available at the moment and find solutions for any of your needs.


POLFISH 2024 – International Fish and Food Fair
13.09.2024 08:00
POLFISH is the only fair in Poland dedicated to the fish industry and one of the largest in Central and Eastern Europe, at AMBEREXPO in Gdańsk.

A great event, excellent impressions, and new connections.
Plastic Packaging: As Black as It's Painted?
14.05.2024 08:00
Increasingly, concerns about the impact of microplastics on health and nature are being heard in the media, leading some to make decisions in the name of sustainability and a greener lifestyle to reduce or eliminate the consumption of plastic containers and products packaged in plastic. However, is plastic packaging really as bad as it's painted, and what does science say about this issue? Read on to find out.
April 23rd-25th, 2024 - Barcelona, Spain.
20.04.2024 01:00
From April 23rd to 25th, we will be attending the "The Global Seafood Marketplace" in Barcelona, Spain.
See more news →

Collaboration partners

Aspari is continuously improving its operation by developing new products. Our goal is to become a recognized and highly appreciated service provider in the field.

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And we will help you to solve any packaging-related issue